Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions
Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions


Uomo con la colonna infiammata da curare con un cuscino per le gambe

Low back pain: complete guide to prevention and treatment with a leg pillow

Low back pain, commonly known as back pain, is a widespread problem that affects millions of people around the world. Characterized by pain in the...
donna che dorme con la mascherina sopra piรน cuscini ma quale saranno i migliori cuscini cervicali del 2023?

The best neck pillows of 2023

Can the best neck pillows of 2023 be the ones that make us sleep comfortably or should we look further ahead in search of the correct posture? The...
donna che dorme sul cuscino, ma cosa c'รจ da sapere sul cuscino cervicale?

What to know about the cervical pillow

Nowadays , what is there to know about the cervical pillow that we don't know? The cervical pillow is now known as an ergonomic postural support t...
Uomo che russa mentre dorme perchรจ non utilizza un cuscino cervicale e la moglie si copre le orecchie

Cervical pillow and health | how posture can prevent sleep apnea and snoring.

Sleep is an essential component of our daily life. We spend an average of 8 hours of the day sleeping, this helps us have the energy needed to fac...
Donna sdraiata sopra un cuscino cervicale che si fa applicare una crema cosmetica

Deep rest and healthy skin: like a good cervical pillow it can improve sleep and save on cosmetics

Night rest is not just a desire after a long day of work, but an essential biological need for the health of our body and, in particular, our skin....
Rappresentazione del nervo sciatico sulla parte del bacino di uno scheletro, come risolvere con cuscino tra le ginocchia

Sciatic nerve: causes of inflammation and treatment options with pillow between the knees

Sciatic nerve pain is a common disorder that affects many people around the world. This annoying problem can greatly affect your quality of life, ...
Olii di essenze da utilizzare in un cuscino per cervicale

How to cure sleep disorders using essences also in the neck pillow.

We all know the importance of sleep as a crucial time for our overall health and well-being. A good night's restful sleep helps us regain energy, i...
Donna che dorma a pancia in giรน รจ la migliore posizione? Sta usando il miglio cuscino per cervicale in commercio?

What is the best position to sleep without neck pain? Which is the best neck pillow?

If you suffer from neck pain, you know how frustrating it can be to try to get a good night's sleep without waking up with uncomfortable feelings ...
nuotatore in vasca che abbina il nuoto con il miglior cuscino cervicale

Fighting neck pain through sport combined with the best neck pillow: find out how to approach

Neck pain, caused by cervicalgia, cervical hernia or cervical arthrosis, has become an increasingly common problem in modern society, often caused ...
Donna che si tocca la parte del collo infiammata da trattare e scoprire quali sono i benefici del cuscino cervicale

Cervical pillow benefits: what they are and how to get them

The benefits obtained by using a cervical pillow are innumerable and not necessarily linked to cervical pain. Using the pillow can also have a prev...
Donna che fa esercizi alla cervicale e alla schiena per poi utilizzare anche il miglior cuscino cervicale.

Discover the Best Neck Pillow and Relieve Back Pain: Importance of Targeted Exercises

Modern life has led us to spend many hours a day in sedentary positions or working in front of screens, which can lead to tension and pain in the b...
figura di un cuscino con logo della moneta dell'euro, per un consiglio sull'acquisto di un cuscino cervicaleale con sopra una monetina con lo stemma dell'euro

Advice for purchasing a cervical pillow: how much does it have to cost to be considered valid?

The price of an ergonomic cervical support can vary greatly depending on the type of material, size and brand. Advice on purchasing a neck pillow s...