Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions
Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions


coniugi a letto con cellulare e tablet con conseguente disturbo del sonno

Are Italians early risers? Over 4 million Italians wake up before 5 in the morning. Why?

World Sleep Day, how to avoid being among the over 12 million Italians who wake up very early due to causes related to sleep disorders.
uomo con dolore alla schiena evidenziata in rosso che si domanda quale cuscino per gambe scegliere

Which leg pillow to choose | benefits and prices

Against back pain or inflammation of the sciatic nerve , choosing a leg pillow could be the most suitable solution to relieve pain and improve nig...
Uomo con la colonna infiammata da curare con un cuscino per le gambe

Low back pain: complete guide to prevention and treatment with a leg pillow

Low back pain, commonly known as back pain, is a widespread problem that affects millions of people around the world. Characterized by pain in the...
Rappresentazione del nervo sciatico sulla parte del bacino di uno scheletro, come risolvere con cuscino tra le ginocchia

Sciatic nerve: causes of inflammation and treatment options with pillow between the knees

Sciatic nerve pain is a common disorder that affects many people around the world. This annoying problem can greatly affect your quality of life, ...
Donna che fa esercizi alla cervicale e alla schiena per poi utilizzare anche il miglior cuscino cervicale.

Discover the Best Neck Pillow and Relieve Back Pain: Importance of Targeted Exercises

Modern life has led us to spend many hours a day in sedentary positions or working in front of screens, which can lead to tension and pain in the b...
donna in dolce attesa che userร  i cuscini per dormire in gravidanza

Relationship between postural cushions and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great transformation for a woman's body, which can be accompanied by a number of uncomfortable symptoms such as back, neck ...
uomo che si allena dopo aver dormito con il suo cuscino per cervicale

Relationship between postural cushions and sports

Posture pillows have been designed to provide adequate support for your head, neck and back while you sleep and beyond. These pillows have become ...
immagine di donna dalla fisioterapista per l'utilizzo di un cuscino cervicale

Using the cervical pillow: how important is it?

The use of a cervical pillow is of vital importance if you want, once and for all, to resolve those annoying pains at the base of the neck that mos...
Immagine di una pianta che richiama la parte biologica del cuscino cervicale memory

Tencel eco-friendly cover for memory foam neck pillow

Tencel is an ecological and sustainable fabric that is gaining more and more popularity in the fashion industry. Derived from eucalyptus cellulose...
astronauta che richiama la Nasa inventore del memory con il quale รจ prodotto il cuscino per gambe e il cuscino ortopedico per cervicale

When and where was memory foam born? | leg pillow and orthopedic neck pillow

Today we often hear this term so much that we no longer notice it, we almost take it for granted that some specific products are in Memory Foam. ...
donna sul fianco che dorme con un cuscino tra le gambe

Why is it good to sleep with a pillow between your legs?

Many people keep asking us why to use a leg pillow while sleeping and especially how exactly to use it. Let's go in order and answer the first q...
Donna che dorme con un cuscino per gambe

Back pain causes and solutions with a leg pillow

We all know that facing a day full of commitments, both work and family, not in perfect physical shape is really tiring. Today's route is very he...