Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions
Free shipping in Italy โœˆ 10% discount on the purchase of two cushions


Donna con reflusso gastroesofageo da combattere con un cuscino cervicale

Gastroesophageal reflux and cervical pillow | an unexpected ally for a restful sleep?

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is an annoying condition that affects millions of people around the world. It occurs when acidic stomach contents ba...
Donna che soffre di insonnia anche perchรจ non utilizza un cuscino per cervicale

Insomnia | fight, even with a neck pillow, the invisible enemy of rest

This article deals with the topic of insomnia, an increasingly widespread disorder in modern society. After a description of the phenomenon, the article focuses on the causes and useful remedies to eliminate the problem.
Donna che dorme con raffigurato il termometro del sonno

Sleep thermometer | How body temperature affects night sleep

Have you ever noticed that sleeping in a room that is too hot or too cold makes it difficult to fall asleep or get a good night's sleep? You are n...
donna dal medico che indossa il collare cervicale

The cervical collar | what it is, what it is used for and when to use it

When you suffer a trauma or have a sudden problem with your cervical vertebrae, the use of a cervical collar is often recommended. In the article we highlighted its importance and its use in certain situations, also listing the contraindications. Always remember to consult a doctor before approaching this solution.
coniugi a letto con cellulare e tablet con conseguente disturbo del sonno

Are Italians early risers? Over 4 million Italians wake up before 5 in the morning. Why?

World Sleep Day, how to avoid being among the over 12 million Italians who wake up very early due to causes related to sleep disorders.
Valigia con dentro i vestiti ed un cuscino cervicale da portare in viaggio

Sleeping in a hotel: bringing a neck pillow when travelling?

The question of every traveler, especially if he suffers from neck pain, is, which neck pillow will I find on my hotel trip ? It seems like a real...
Uomo con la testa poggiata sul cuscino cervicale con il mal di testa

Cervical pillow and headache: an unsuspected relationship

A headache is that more or less sudden pain that affects the temples and the back of the neck with strong pulsations, continuous pain sometimes ca...
Donna che dorme in aereo senza un cuscino in memory

How to fight jet lag with the right memory pillow

Jet lag, also known as "rapid time zone change syndrome," is a common disorder that affects those who rapidly cross multiple time zones, such as in...
Viso di donna con crema che dorme con un cuscino cervicale

Sleep, moisturizing creams and cervical pillow: the secret to radiant skin

Perfect and radiant skin is skin that is smooth to the touch, elastic, well-tightened, free from skin inflammation and has a rosy complexion. The s...
Ragazza che nasconde le occhiaie con una crema invece di utilizzare un cuscino ergonomico adeguato mentre dorme

The deep link, adequate ergonomic pillow, dark circles and inadequate sleep: consequences on the body and solutions

Dark circles, also commonly called bags, are those unsightly dark spots that form under the eye. Inadequate sleep, interrupted during the night or...
Uomo che russa mentre dorme perchรจ non utilizza un cuscino cervicale e la moglie si copre le orecchie

Cervical pillow and health | how posture can prevent sleep apnea and snoring.

Sleep is an essential component of our daily life. We spend an average of 8 hours of the day sleeping, this helps us have the energy needed to fac...
Donna sdraiata sopra un cuscino cervicale che si fa applicare una crema cosmetica

Deep rest and healthy skin: like a good cervical pillow it can improve sleep and save on cosmetics

Night rest is not just a desire after a long day of work, but an essential biological need for the health of our body and, in particular, our skin....